IfP mit insgesamt 14 Vorträgen auf der ECC der ECREA vertreten

Bei der vierten European Communication Conference (ECC) der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) sind Professorinnen und Professoren sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des IfP mit insgesamt 14 Vorträgen beteiligt.

Nach Amsterdam, Barcelona und Hamburg findet die diesjährige Jahrestagung der ECC der ECREA vom 24. bis zum 27. Oktober in Istanbul (Türkei) statt, das Thema der Tagung lautet "Social Media and Global Voices". Aus dem Kollegenkreis des IfP werden folgende Vorträge gehalten:

Magdalena Amann, Simon Raß & Marco Dohle: The influence of presumed media influence in local politics.

Uli Bernhard, Marco Dohle & Gerhard Vowe: Online and offline media in a political referendum context: Presumed influences and corrective actions.

Philipp Henn, Marco Dohle, Friederike von Vincke & Shoshana Schnippenkoetter: Perceptions of bias in the media coverage about wind energy: Exploring the causes and consequences of the hostile media effect.

Inga Crecelius, Sabine Einwiller & Sascha Himmelreich: Complaint management in social media. How companies deal with critical comments on facebook.

Stefan Geiß, Birgit Stark & Melanie Magin: The facebook revolution? Mass media' s fiction of the role of social media in the Arab uprisings of 2011.

Christian Schumacher & Sascha Himmelreich: Dialogic principles on investor relations websites.

Melanie Magin & Philipp Weichselbaum: How does a migrant turn into a stranger? The linguistic construction of strangeness and familiarity in the German weekly "Der Spiegel".

Christine Meltzer & Anna Schnauber: Do we overlook person situation interaction in media effects?

Oliver Quiring & Manuel Menke: Journalistic strategies for representing uncertainty in news coverage.

Oliver Quiring & Markus Schäfer: Lethal idols? – The press coverage of celebrity suicides and the development of suiciderates in Germany.

Oliver Quiring & Marc Ziegele: The discussion value of media stimulated interpersonal communication: A content analysis of feedback provoking factors in online user comments.

Anna Schnauber & Marc Ziegele: Students' use and evaluations of company sites on facebook.

Birgit Stark: Exploring audience participation on news websites of traditional German media organisations. Panel "Participatory journalism: Possibilities for and constraints to audience participation".

Gizem Weber & Matthias Weber: Female model, male perspective. The adolescent female' s perception of narrative television.

Marc Ziegele, Mathias Weber & Anna Schnauber: Cyberbullying, presumed suffering and secondary victimization. The influence of the victim' s extraversion and self disclosure.

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