Beiträge auf Jahrestagung der ECREA 2018 in Lugano

"Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation"

Auf der 7. European Conference der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), die vom 31. Oktober bis 3. November 2018 in Lugano stattfindet, sind Forscherinnen und Forscher des Instituts für Publizistik mit ihren Arbeiten vertreten:

  • Johannes Beckert, Thomas Koch & Melanie Jakubowitz: Not what you say, but how you say it. Effects of managerial communication on employee-organization relationships.
  • Luisa Gehle & Christine E. Meltzer: Neighbours welcome? The influence of media framing and stereotypes on attitudes towars intra-European mobility and migration.
  • Stefan Geiß, Melanie Magin & Jörg Haßler: Gender Constellations Moderate the Escalation of Conflict in Political Talk Shows.
  • Jörg Haßler & Vicente Fenoll: The people's medium? Campaigning via Facebook during the German general election campaign 2017.
  • Pablo Porten-Cheé, Jörg Haßler, Pablo Jost, Marcus Maurer & Christiane Eilders: A Theoretical Foundation of the Causes and Effects of Online Popularity Cues in the Realm of Political Communication Research.
  • Pascal Jürgens & Birgit Stark: Diversity vs Fragmentation: Towards a Meta-Theory of Information Cohesion (Preconference on Diversity).
  • Hans Mathias Kepplinger & Benno Viererbl: Borderline Journalism – Why do journalists accept and justify questionable practices? A quantitative survey.
  • Stephanie Kienzler & M. Bjørn von Rimscha: Ambidexterity in film production networks.
  • Denise Voci, Pamela Nölleke-Przybylski, Johanna Möller, Matthias Karmasin, Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen & M. Bjørn von Rimscha:  From the "transnational" to the "flexible" solution. A comparison and characterisation of media companies' cross-border strategies.
  • Philipp Müller & Anne Schulz: Corrective Actions or Political Claims? Determinants of Audience Members' Reactions to the 'Fake News' Debate.
  • Pascal Schneiders, Philipp Müller, Birgit Stark & Bjørn von Rimscha: The message well I hear, the source alone is weak. Threats and opportunities of media branding in the age of social media.
  • Miriam Steiner & Birgit Stark: Tabloidization of news on Facebook? A quantitative content analysis comparing tabloid style within news of four German media outlets.
  • Benno Viererbl, Thomas Koch & Nora Denner: Torn between employees‘ and managements interests? A quantitative survey of employee magazines’ editors.
  • Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann & Jürgen Wilke: Out of the ordinary or middle of the road? Press coverage of the German national parliament election 2017 in a long-term perspective (1949-2017).

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