Beiträge auf Jahrestagung der ICA 2019

Auf der Jahrestagung der International Communication Association ICA vom 24.-28. Mai 2019 in Washington D.C. (USA) sind zahlreiche Forscherinnen und Forscher des Instituts für Publizistik mit stolzen 30 Beiträgen vertreten und werden ihre Arbeiten dem internationalen Fachpublikum präsentieren:


Johannes Beckert, Thomas Koch, Benno Viererbl & Charlotte Schulz-Knappe: The persuasion paradox. How persuasion knowledge mediates disclosure effects in sponsored media content.


Johannes Beckert, Thomas Koch, Benno Viererbl, Nora Denner & Christina Peter: Is It All About Disclosure? Effects of Advertising Disclosure and Content Features in Native Advertising.


Nora Denner & Benno Viererbl: Effects of personalized political communication. How personalized statements in crisis communication affect recipients' perception of politicans and political institutions.


Leyla Dogruel, Florian Töpfl & Marlene Kunst: How Media Content Shapes Feeling Rules: The Effects of Media Messages and User Comments on How We Think We Should Feel.


Leyla Dogruel, Sven Jöckel & Jakob Henke: Deciding What is Private and What Not – The Impact of Privacy Bandwagon Cues for Information Disclosure in mHealth Apps.


Marlene Kunst, Florian Töpfl & Leyla Dogruel: Do counterpublics benefit from accusing the media of excluding their view? Effects of the “suppressed voice rhetoric”.


Jörg Haßler, Vicente Fenoll & Pablo Jost: A Populist Attention Machine? The Shareworthiness of Populists’ Facebook Posts During Elections in Spain and Gemany.


Pablo Jost, Marcus Maurer & Jörg Haßler: What fuels Love and Anger? The Impact of Message and Profile Characteristics on Users’ Reactions on Facebook – a Multilevel Approach.


Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Petro Tolochko, Tobias Heidenreich, Pablo Jost & Hajo Boomgaarden: What’s in a Post? How Sentiment and Issue Salience Affect Users’ Emotional Reactions on Facebook.


Christina Köhler, Mathias Weber & Oliver Quiring: Media in negotiations: pressure or power resource? Conceptualizing mediatization in the core of societal decision making.


Mathias Weber, Christina Köhler, Marc Ziegele & Christian Schemer: Online Hate Does Not Stay Online: How Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Mediate the Effect of Negativity and Hate in User Comments on Prosocial Behavior.


Simon Kruschinski: Data, Technology and Volunteers. An empirical analysis of German parties' door-to-door canvassing organization.


Julia Lück, Sabine Kieslich, Tanjev Schultz, Alexandra Borchardt & Felix Simon: Influences on Newsroom Diversity in Times of Media Crisis. A Comparative Analysis of UK, Germany, and Sweden.


Marcus Maurer, Pablo Jost & Milan Pfoh: Trust in the news is motivated: The influence of readers’ prior attitudes on their perceptions of media credibility.


Fabienne Lind & Christine Meltzer: Now you see me, now you don’t. Applying Automated Content Analysis to Track Female Migrants’ Salience in German News.


Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Christine Meltzer, Nora Theorin, Tobias Heidenreich, Fabienne Lind, Christian Schemer, Hajo Boomgaarden & Jesper Strömbäck: Media Framing Effects on Policy Preferences towards Free Movement: A Comparative Approach.


Anna Freytag, Katharina Knop-Hülß, Dorothée Hefner, Christoph Klimmt, Leonard Reinecke, Adrian Meier und Peter Vorderer: Permanently Online – Always Stressed Out? The Effects of Online Vigilance on Digital Stress Experiences.


Philipp Müller & Anne Schulz: Who Uses Anti-Elitist Alternative Media? Exploring Predictors of Occasional and Frequent Exposure.


Dominique Heinbach, Teresa K. Naab, Marie-Theres Grasberger & Marc Ziegele: Comments and Credibility: How Skeptical User Comments can Decrease the Perceived Credibility of a News Article and How Such Influence can be Countered.


Anke Stoll, Constanze Küchler, Marc Ziegele & Teresa K. Naab: Gender and Incivility in Online Discussions.


Bjørn von Rimscha: Crew network centrality as predictor of film success.


Svenja Schäfer: Illusion of Knowledge through Facebook News? The Impact of Repetition in News Posts on Perceived and Factual Knowledge, Attitude Strength and Willingness for Discussions.


Svenja Schäfer, Philipp Müller, & Marc Ziegele: The Double-Edged Sword of Arguing with Facts: How Evidence-Based User Comments both Decrease and Increase Discussion Participation through Subjective Knowledge.


Svenja Schäfer, Christian Schemer & Leonard Reinecke: Selective Exposure Online. The Influence of Attitude-Consistency, Interest in a Topic and Popularity Indicators (Likes) on News Use Patterns.


Stefan Geiss, Christian Schemer & Viola Granow: Unpleasant Lessons in Trust: Effects of Exposure to Attacks and Incivilities on Trust in Politicians.


Anna Schnauber-Stockmann & Veronika Karnowski: Mobile Devices as Tools for Communication Research: A Scoping Review.


Michael Sülflow & Marcus Maurer: The power of smiling. How politicians’ displays of happiness affect viewers’ gaze behavior and political judgments.


Michael Sülflow, Markus Schäfer & Jörg Haßler: The role of media use for betting strategies and betting performance in online betting games – findings from the 2016 UEFA European Championship and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.


Benno Viererbl & Thomas Koch:  Once a journalist, not always a journalist? Causes and consequences of job changes from journalism to public relations.


Benno Viererbl, Thomas Koch, Johannes Beckert & Nora Denner: When rectifications backfire: Effects of denying statements regarding corporate rumors.

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